Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Week 7 Blog Questions


  1. I am going to photograph McMinnville because that's where I grew up for a good amount of my life, and it's the closest thing to home to me.
  2. List 3 ideas for photos that you could take: A person in front of their business; downtown area; festival or farmers market.
  3. My biggest challenge will be photographing a portrait of someone, because I'm not sure who I will want to photograph.

TOPIC 2: TWO PHOTO STORY IDEAS (See assignment explanation below) --  

Outline TWO photo stories that you could do for your final assignment.

First, answer the questions:
    • Who: People in Corvallis
    • What: Portraits of students
    • When: During the day
    • Where: OSU campus
I will go on campus to shoot different portraits and get a little bit of background from them.

First, answer the questions:
  • Who: House event
  • What: House Retreat
  • When: Last Weekend in May
  • Where: Suttle Lake
I will make a story out of the trip, taking pictures of the parking, driving, camping and different activities we do there.

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