Friday, June 7, 2019

Final Project

The Antioch House heads to Suttle Lake near the Sister's area for the weekend. They labeled this house event as their "Spring Retreat" which is an annual house retreat they do every spring. This trip was a change-up from other retreats as they chose to travel to Suttle Lake instead of Lake Shasta which is a 5 1/2 hour drive instead of a 2 hour drive. 5/31/19.

The group gets to the campsite around 4pm on Friday and begin the process of unloading. The camp began getting set up and putting up their sleeping areas using tents and hammocks to get the desirable sleeping area. 5/31/19

Members of the group get loads of time to hangout and explore before dinner starts around 6pm. There was many activities the group did including, hiking, swimming, playing camp games and swinging on this swing that they found. Above house members watch as Joel Schmidt and Gage Reeves take their turn trying to swing as far as possible. 5/31/19.

The house food manager was in charge of cooking on the retreat. He cooked hamburgers for the guys for dinner along with other snacks and drinks for everyone. His only downside was sacrificing his time to cook for the guys while others hung out and went off exploring. 5/31/19.

A camp fire was lit to kick off the camp feel and boost the moral of those gathered around after a long hike near the Metolius River. Soon after S'mores were brought out and the campfire stories and conversations began that went long into the night. 5/31/19.

The sun rose over the campground around 5:36 in the morning. The morning light shot rays across Suttle Lake on the left hand side of the image. Black Butte stood tall on the right under the shadow of the morning glow. As the retreat wrapped up, many took in the beauty of the area before a few more weeks of school until the freedom of summer. 5/32/19.

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